Kauai Garden Party and Earth Day

Dr. Adam Asquith mixes amendments with volunteers in the Kawaikini PCS school garden. Photo courtesy of Kawaikini.
Malama Kauai is hosting a Garden Party at Kawaikini Public Charter School, a Hawaiian immersion school in Lihue, on Saturday, February 27. The public is invited to join parents, teachers, students and others from the community to enhance the garden for the education and health of the students.
From 9am-12noon participants will be volunteering to improve the school garden to grow food for the keiki school lunches. After gardening, attendees are invited to participate in a community potluck. There will also be an opportunity to pick up a County compost bin for those who RSVP and participate in a compost and vermicomposting lesson to effectively compost your food scraps at home.
An RSVP is required, as compost bins are limited. Those interested in participating email Sara at Sara@malamakauai.org or call 808-828-0685 x18.
On Sunday, April 24, Malama Kauai is hosting their 6th Annual Earth Day Rising Festival, marking Earth Day weekend with an ohana-style educational celebration. The day-long event features a variety of workshops and panels on sustainable living, Hawaiian culture, agriculture and conservation; as well as clothing swap tent, seed and plant exchange, keiki activities and workshops, music, food, vendors, and more.
Some of the confirmed workshops for this year’s event include Biodynamic Farming with One Song Farm, Intro to Beekeeping with Jimmy Trujillo of the Kauai Beekeepers Association, Grafting and Air Layering with Ashly Trask of National Tropical Botanical Garden, Coyote Nature Mentoring Workshop with Matt Kirk of Kauai Nature School, and Bamboo Building with Tony Lydgate of Steelgrass Farm.
The public is welcome to join the festivities with a donation to help entertainment and knowledge providers, and there is a $10 discount for registering online in advance; keiki 12 and under are free. For full event information and details, visit MalamaKauai.org or call 808-828-0685 x12.